Friday, March 09, 2007

Now THAT'S Integrity

One of the speakers at Winterfest was the Olympic Gold Medal winner Mike Marsh. He excelled in track in High School and at UCLA. Upon turning pro, his then trainer confronted him with the fact that due to so many athletes taking performance enhancing drugs, (everybody's doing it) Mike would never make it on hard work, desire, talent and commitment alone. Mike's trainer was so sure about this, he gave Mike a choice. Either start taking steroids or find a new trainer.

Mike found a new trainer.

Many aspiring Olympic athletes are asked the simple question: If you could take a pill guaranteeing a gold medal in your sport, but also guaranteeing your death in 10 years, would you take the pill. Many answered yes to that question and also answer yes to steroids and other performance enhancing drugs. Mike talked to the teens at Winterfest about not taking the easy road in life of acceptance, inclusion and popularity when the sacrifice you will be called to make is your integrity.

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