Tim Tebow And Does God Care About Who Wins Football Games?
Matt 5.40 tells us that God causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
In football terms this means that even the evil and wicked will win games and even the most devoted follower of God is not guaranteed to win even one game. There are other issues at stake, however, while not applying to football or sports in general, when it comes to life, God principles don't just cease to exist when they reach the athletic arena.
What I mean is this... James 4.10 tells us to "Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up." Which area off my life is segregated out of the grasp of this doctrine? That's right, the truth that is God's Word penetrates every area of every being's life. Sports are a part of peoples' lives and God cares about peoples' lives.
On a related tangent, using this doctrine, I'd advise Lebron James to be as humble as he can and he'll start the march toward the 7 championships he boasted about bringing to Miami. After all, which area of my life is not subject to the words found in James 4.6 which quotes Proverbs 3.34 also found 1 Peter 5.5, "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."
Tim Tebow isn't the one who says about himself, "All He Does Is Win"
Great blog, James. I had a discussion the other day in which a person told me how "Tired I am of hearing Tebow praise God". I said,"At the very least, he has the right as an American to say what he wants". I never tire of hearing anyone sing God's praises at any time under any circumstance. I suppose, at the end of the day, those that tire of such things can turn the TV off. That would be a shame.
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