Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The 3rd Annual Gospel Concert...

was held in Venice, Illinois at the Tyrone Echols Senior Center on the corner of Brown and Klein Street this past Saturday evening, August 25th. The concert was hosted by the Logan Street Church of Christ and the featured group were the Dothanaires from Dothan, Alabama. It was such an uplifting experience to enjoy the fellowship meal together after hearing how connected praising God and growth of the kingdom is. All of the groups were so passionate and enthusiastic in their praise for the Lord. The lead singer for the Dothanaires preached a lesson within each of the songs he sang. I can't wait 'til next year. I didn't know what I'd been missing.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Don't Look Now...

but there is a new post on this blog. The summer has come to a close with the kids back in school and looking forward to UT football this Saturday. Hope to be posting something more substantial soon.