Tuesday, February 22, 2011


8, 9, 10... yer out!! Timothy Dalrymple at Patheos writes a sensational piece on the value of suffering and how Christ fills suffering with purpose.... the hat tip goes to hotair headlines under miscellany of all places...

It is hard for me to make the transition between suffering and salvation but Dr. Dalrymple so accurately describes how suffering doesn't enter our lives shouting, but instead by the powerful quieting of the chatter of unimportant things.

For whatever reason we can hear, feel and yes, I believe "catch a glimpse of the kingdom" as Mike Cope described at Winterfest just a couple of days ago, in the midst of pain.

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Making Philemonade

God doesn't want me to impose my will even when I'm right. I don't adhere to this teaching when raising my children, but in trying to make myself and others to "do right" it is often frustrating.

When Paul was writing to Philemon about Philemon's runaway slave named Onesimus, Paul was right and Philemon was wrong. Paul let him know about it when he told Philemon that he could be bold and tell Philemon what he should do. Paul, or rather God through Paul, did not want any actions taken by Philemon to be forced, but to come from within his own heart.

God through Paul let Philemon know he'd be coming by to check on him in last part of his letter. God lets us know too. God let's us know that He likes a cheerful giver, not a begrudger. I'm not sure if begrudger is a word, but I don't want to be a begrudger.

Even if we're right about theological points of view or doctrine, we'd be wrong to try and force someone to do something they don't want to do.

God won't allow us to force someone's sincerity anyway...

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