Monday, May 22, 2006

The determining criteria....

of those who follow Christ is that we love each other. One of the most persistent and harshest observations against the bride of Christ tends to involve the word "hypocrite." I have always had the view that since we are all sinners then we are all, to a certain extent, hypocrites. Here of late, my view or definition of the term "hypocrite" has taken a different turn. Jesus states very clearly in Matthew 18, how His Father will treat us if we are not prone to forgive our brothers and sisters from the heart. Knowing how serious Jesus is about making good on His Word, it makes me reason how compelling our attitude of forgiveness, having compassion, patience, and sympathy as followers of Christ would be toward one another. When this is not the case, hypocrisy reigns. When people come into the midst of the body of Christ the determining criteria is decidedly not an attitude that clearly reflects how my sins are a speck, but my brother's sins are a plank. Now I see hypocrisy represented by a double standard for sins. There is the one standard for my sins and another standard for the sins of my brother. Guess which one is higher? Guess how attractive this message is to a lost world?


At May 23, 2006 9:27 AM, Blogger Bull Rush said...

I find myself drawn to the story of Christ as he was being arrested in the Garden at Gethsemane by the Jewish leadership. Peter (most likely)drew his sword and cut off the ear of a person in the crowd attempting to seize Jesus. It is very important to note that Christ did NOT want that to be the reaction of his apostles or, later, his disciples. I think all too often, I am ready to cut off the ear of anyone who attempts to hurt Christ with his sin. In reality, I am the one who deserves to have his ear cut off - or much more. My sin, even though I portend to be a sword-bearer for Christ, surely seperates me from God as effectively as any other sin committed by any other person. I propose to put away my sword and follow Christ's instructions; to love one another as we ourselves would want to be loved. Love bears all and keeps us obiedient to our Savior's wishes.

What did Christ do to the person with the severed ear? He healed him. Even though I can't put ears back on like Christ, I want to behave like I can. Will you join me? Maybe we'll be called the ear-healers. Wait, I think there is already a name for ear-healers; Christians.


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